Would you like to feel good...here and now? How about experience relief from anxiety and increase your peace of mind and present moment awareness? 

Research shows that TFT can directly influence the heart and balance the autonomic nervous system, increasing overall health and wellbeing. In just a few minutes you can shift out of stress and into relaxation. 

In this video you will be guided through a brief tapping exercise you can do on your own anytime you'd like to reduce and eliminate anxiety...and feel more peaceful. If you find you'd like even more relief after doing this exercise once, you can repeat it to address more layers of stress and increase ease throughout your being.

When I was watching this video to make the final edits, I went through the tapping sequence. I didn't even realize how tense I had been feeling until I finished the tapping. Afterward I felt so much more relaxed and harmonious.

Sometimes even I forget how transformative a little bit of tapping can be for my body, mind and spirit... and how beneficial it is to just take some time to nurture my wellbeing in this way.

So I invite you to go through this exercise. Don't wait. Take care of yourself now. Focus on any anxiety or stress you're feeling and follow along with the gentle guidance to shift into feeling good.

With love,


About the Author Julie Cowley

Julie Cowley is a TFT-ADV (Advanced) Practitioner and Synchronicity High-Tech Meditation and Holistic Lifestyle Teacher. She resides at and volunteers at the Synchronicity Sanctuary Retreat Center in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. She has been meditating and studying spiritual wisdom for several years and supports others in conscious living.

  • Thank you so much Lovely Julie.
    I went from a 5 to 0 in one round.
    Your algorithms are always amazing.

  • Really lovely and relaxing. Thank you so much! Watched this after long bust day at work. So relaxed after doing the tapping.

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