Would you like to amplify your heart energy and experience greater love?

In this video, you will be guided through a Thought Field Therapy (TFT) Tapping technique that works with your Dan Tiens (energy centers) and helps to amplify heart energy and stimulate life force energy. It guides you through 3 main focuses: 1) Releasing resistance to feeling love; 2) Acknowledging self as love; and 3) Sharing this love and sending it out into the world.

Tap along with this video to empower yourself in feeling more loving, happy and free.

If you have a regular meditation practice, you can do this technique before you meditate to feel more centered and balanced in love before you meditate.

Leave a comment and let me know how this went for you – what shifted, what sensations you experienced, etc. I’d love to know how it goes for you!


One love,


About the Author Julie Cowley

Julie Cowley is a TFT-ADV (Advanced) Practitioner and Synchronicity High-Tech Meditation and Holistic Lifestyle Teacher. She resides at and volunteers at the Synchronicity Sanctuary Retreat Center in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. She has been meditating and studying spiritual wisdom for several years and supports others in conscious living.

  • Thank you Julie.
    This could not have come at a more appropriate time for me as I been in a mild depression all day . This is rather unusual as you know with even with all the pain I went through at the Sanctuary I was in love. This process brought me out of separation and back into love. My meditation earlier in the evening was all about love and did provide some relief. It was this this tapping sequence that I felt the warming in my heart and the re-connection. Then, just after the session ended my roommate came home with a heartbreak tale of his sister. I was able to open my heart for him to access and concisely offer the help, from the heart, that he needed. Isn’t it funny how that works. I’ll practice again in the morning and whenever I need to . Love, Steve

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