Do you ever struggle with anger?
I used to have a hard time with the emotion of anger. I didn't have a healthy relationship with it. It scared me when I felt it and it frightened me when I witnessed other people being angry at each other. It was such a powerful emotion.
I realized, though, that anger in and of itself is not bad. You do not need to transform it, get rid of it, or rise above it - it's a part of you, just like love or peace, but from time to time it can get out of control and overcome you with its intensity. It can take you over and rule your world while you're feeling it. It colors everything in a certain way and makes you see things from an angry perspective.
When you get overwhelmed and consumed by anger, it can throw you off your center and result in negative experiences. It can affect your relationships - whether it be with family, friends or work - and also your relationship with yourself. Unexpressed anger, if not dealt with in a healthy way, can also sometimes manifest later as physical symptoms. So it's important to have some good tools in your tool kit for transforming anger.
That's why I created this free video where you will be guided through a Thought Field Therapy Tapping exercise for anger relief. In my personal experience, tapping for transforming anger into peace has been a big gift. In just a few minutes you can ease the tension, increase feelings of relaxation and settle into the present moment with a more peaceful mind. You start to see things in a new way - from a more love-based perspective.
So give it a try... and bookmark this video for whenever you want some relief from anger.
Let me know how this goes for you by leaving a comment and feel free to share the love.