Have you had any COVID-19 vaccine shots or are you planning on getting vaccinated? If yes, are you experiencing any negative side effects? I hope not, but if so, read on. Advanced Thought Field Therapy (TFT) has a technique where a practitioner can test whether or not a substance is an “individual energy toxin” (IET) for you. An IET is a substance that disrupts the balance of your body's energy system. Even if something is considered good for you, it could still be an energy toxin for you. The reason it’s an “individual” energy toxin is that it’s specific to you. The substance could be fine for your friend, but for some reason it disrupts the homeostasis of your body or causes negative side-effects. From Joanne Callahan (co-developer of TFT): "Over the last 20+ years we have been successfully eliminating the negative side-effects of necessary medications, without interfering with the efficacy of those medications. As the rollout of new medical interventions begins around the world, TFT may be useful in mitigating some of the adverse reactions listed by the CDC and manufacturers." When it comes to medication, or in this case a vaccine, it could be that the overall benefits outweigh any negative side effects. However, IF it is an IET there are things you can do with TFT to balance and neutralize the negative effects. The process is called a 7 second treatment, which requires a TFT-ADV or VT (voice technology) practitioner to determine the appropriate technique that you will self-apply (I am TFT-ADV and was trained in VT). The technique doesn’t take long, but it’s not something I can record in a video and give to everyone since it’s individualized. That said, IF you start feeling “off” after receiving a vaccine shot, you can try tapping your reversal correction points while focusing on the vaccine. For those who are familiar with TFT, the points are: side of hand – under the nose – chin – middle finger – outside the eye – collarbone Or, click here to see a video on how to tap these points. If you feel better after doing that, great! However, if you’re still feeling “off,” I recommend scheduling a one-on-one session where I can identify if the vaccine is an IET for you and give you the appropriate 7 second process to do. Sessions are offered by donation. If you're ready to schedule your session, click here: Schedule My Session Interestingly, I’ve been thinking about offering this service to you and just read the following from a Doctor of Chiropractic and Applied Kinesiology, and dear family friend, in Los Angeles, CA: From Dr. Theresa Gormly, D.C. - Owner of Los Angeles Center for Healing: "Every patient that I have seen following each vaccine has shown “reversal” which is Central Nervous System confusion. Reversal shows up in many different ways. A simple example would be testing a strong muscle and having the person say “I want to be healthy” and that strong muscle weakens on that statement and when they say “I want to be sick” the strong muscle stays strong, which is the opposite of what most people truly want. It can be a very subtle symptom like change in the ability to focus - basically it is neurological disorganization, but can be corrected with a simple technique called “7 second treatment”." The intention of this session is to support your well-being and maximize the benefits of the vaccine you received by correcting for any reversal it might have caused and reduce or eliminate negative side effects. Ready to schedule a session? (offered by donation) >> BOOK NOW In optimal health and well-being... One love, Julie Cowley P.S. If you're experiencing stress and worry related to COVID, check out this tapping exercise for feeling more relaxed and peaceful. |

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