Are you finding it difficult to let go of a negative expectation about your future? Is this distracting you from enjoying the present moment?

Would you like to open up to new possibilities in your life?

Follow along with this guided Thought Field Therapy (TFT) Tapping meditation for releasing negative expectations and opening to new possibilities.

For this video, I used advanced TFT techniques to diagnose a specific tapping sequence for this focus. Tap along to let go of negative expectation, free your mind, be more present, and open to new vision and possibilities in your life.

Enjoy and feel free to share the love!

One love,


Want to read the transcript of the video? See below. 

Hi! Julie Cowley here – a Thought Field Therapy Advanced Practitioner with and I am thrilled to be here with you again, sharing with you another transformative Thought Field Therapy Tapping meditation for this Full Moon in June 2018.

If you’re tuning in to this video, this is going to be perfect for you and assist you in transforming some area of your life and opening up to new possibilities.

What I do is I tune into the field of anybody who’s going to be potentially accessing this video or being affected by it, and with the Thought Field Therapy advanced techniques that I’ve been trained in I can diagnose a specific tapping sequence with a particular focus in mind. That’s going to bring benefit for anybody who’s tuning in to this. This is really nice because it gets a little bit more specific than say like a general tapping sequence. So I’m really thrilled to be sharing this with you here today.

What I got to focus on for this Full Moon is to focus on letting go of some negative expectation. So something you’re maybe thinking about that’s going to happen in the future that is “negative” or something that is like an unwanted result that you’re projecting into the future.

Most of the time what’s happening is we are projecting something into the future on our experience based upon some past experience we had that might have been stressful or harmful to us. Or maybe we created a negative story about ourselves based on something that happened in our past and what Tapping can help us to do is release this contraction and open us up to new vision, new clarity, new possibilities, and give us some relief so we can move forward in our life with more passion and more inspiration.

If you want to learn more about Tapping, about Thought Field Therapy, I recommend you go take a look at my website at

We’ll go ahead and get started with this practice right now. Alright, so go ahead and just get comfortable in your seat. Take some nice deep breaths in and out. Close your eyes for a moment. Really allow yourself to fully arrive here and now, letting go of any outside distractions. Good.

OK, you can gently open your eyes and I’d like you to bring to your mind one thing right now that you have some kind of negative expectation about – something that you’re expecting to happen and maybe in a bad way, not the way that you really want it to go. You can pause the video now if you need to take a moment to think about this.

This could be related to relationships, your love life, maybe work or your business, or you’re expecting something bad to happen with your health. So just pick one thing. It’s probably pretty easy to think of something – we are human and we do have our minds running throughout the day and projecting things into the future all of the time, right? So let’s focus on one thing.

Bring that to mind and go ahead and give yourself a rating on a scale of 0 to 10, with 10 being the most distress you can feel about this – the most negative you feel about this and zero being you feel really good about it. You feel neutral, you feel calm, you feel positive about this experience and what’s going to happen. Take note of that.

We’ll go ahead and get started with the tapping meditation here.

The focus is on releasing this negative expectation and opening to new possibilities. Alright, so we’ll go ahead and start with tapping the side of your hand. You can tap either one. The next thing is you’re going to tap under your eye. “I allow myself to let go of this negative expectation,” tapping the beginning of your eyebrows, “and open to new possibilities.” Feeling calm and peaceful. Good.

Next you’re going to do what’s called the 9 gamut series and if you’re new to this, what it does is it’s going to be balancing different areas of your brain. If it’s the first time you’re doing this it might look a little strange because what you do is you’re going to be tapping a point on the back of your hand called the gamut spot and while you do that you’re going to be doing some eye movements and humming and counting.

Go ahead and do this along with me and you’ll see for your own experience what shifts in you.

OK, bringing your focus back to letting go of this negative expectation. You’re going to be tapping this gamut spot continually. It’s on the back of either hand at the base of the ring finger knuckle and the pinky finger knuckle here. Tapping here.

Allowing yourself to feel whatever it is that you’re feeling about this. Not trying to push it away or resist it but just allowing yourself to have this expectation, for whatever reason.

Now you are going to close your eyes (continuing to tap this spot). Open them and look down to the left, and look down to the right, and then circle your eyes all of the way around in one direction. Good. Circle your eyes around in the other direction. That’s it. Keep tapping.

You’re going to hum a few notes. Then count out loud to five – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Great. Then hum again.

Very good. Releasing this negative expectation. You’re going to be tapping under your eye. Allowing yourself to feel whatever it is – any fear, distrust, anger.

Tapping the beginning of your eyebrows.

Next, you’re going to tap under your nose. Noticing if, when you’re thinking about this event, this expectation, if you feel any tension anywhere in your body or any kind of contraction. Allowing that and watching as it melts away here.

So next you’re going to tap the beginning of your eyebrow. Releasing this negative expectation, opening to new possibilities, new vision.

We’re going to do that 9 gamut series again. You can switch hands and use the gamut spot on the other hand – it doesn’t matter – you can you do either one. You’re going to tap here continually. Close your eyes. Open them and look down to the left, and down to the right. Circle your eyes all of the way around in one direction. Good.

Then circle your eyes around in the other direction. Great. Hum a few notes. Count to five – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Great. Then hum again. Good.

Really tune into this “thought field.” That’s why it’s called Thought Field Therapy, because you’re tuning into the information of the matrix within this thought.

So think about this negative expectation, of what you’re thinking about in the future that’s going to happen that’s not going to really go the way you want it to – noticing if anything’s already shifting in you and then you’re going to tap the beginning of your eyebrows. Letting go of this story or this negative belief. Very good.

Then you’re going to tap the chin. Allowing the stress around this to dissipate, to release. Good.

Next you’re going to tap your index finger. Really knowing how worthy of love you are. Allowing this to dissipate even more so you can be fully open to presence, to the present moment, and new possibilities. Very good.

Take a nice deep breath, in and out.

We’re going to keep going with this. You’re going to tap next the chin. Allowing any fear that’s still left to dissipate, relaxing into the here and now where anything is possible. Opening to new possibilities.

Fully loving yourself just as you are, here and now.

Then you’re going to tap the middle finger point (we’re almost done here). So tapping the middle finger point. Allowing yourself to really fully open up to new possibilities. Great.

Take a nice deep breath, in and out.

Noticing what’s shifting in your vision, in your experience. You’re doing great.

We’re going to finish up the tapping with the floor-to-ceiling eye roll.

How you do that – you’re going to be tapping your gamut spot again, here on the back of either hand. Then you’re going to look down to the floor and slowly roll your eyes up to the ceiling, keeping your head still. Very good.

You’re going to repeat that on the other hand as well. So you’re going to tap the gamut spot on the other hand. Look down to the floor and slowly and steadily raise your eyes up to the ceiling.

Very good. Okay, now take a moment. Take some nice deep breaths in and out.

Really focus on this thought field again. Whatever it was that you were expecting to happen in the future, notice if it’s a little bit lighter, if there’s more of an opening?

You can repeat out loud: “Here and now, in this moment, I am open to new possibilities.”

“Here and now, in this moment, I am open to new possibilities.”

One more time. “Here and now, in this moment, I am open to new possibilities.”

Really good.

Now go ahead and give yourself another rating on that scale of 0 to 10, with 10 being the most negative you could be in your expectations about what’s going to happen, and 0 being you feel more positive, peaceful, neutral, open.

Where would you put yourself on that scale right now? What’s shifted?

You did a really great job today.

I welcome you, if you want to repeat this, it’s not going to hurt you in any way to repeat it. So feel free to do this again if you want to go even more into the positive feelings about really being open to new possibilities.

Great job! If you have any questions about this – about the process, about what I do, and about your experience, please leave me a comment below and let me know. Let me know how it went for you, any new ideas or inspirations that you have.

As always, feel free to share this with anyone and everyone.

It has truly been my pleasure to do this with you here today! I wish you a marvelous rest of your day and beyond. Take care I’ll see you soon.

Recorded on the East Coast, USA on June 24th, 2018

About the Author Julie Cowley

Julie Cowley is a TFT-ADV (Advanced) Practitioner and Synchronicity High-Tech Meditation and Holistic Lifestyle Teacher. She resides at and volunteers at the Synchronicity Sanctuary Retreat Center in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. She has been meditating and studying spiritual wisdom for several years and supports others in conscious living.

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