Are you starting something new in your life? Moving in a new direction and feeling a little nervous about it? A new relationship… A new career… Branching out in a new way with your business… Or maybe moving to a new city?

OR, would you like to start something new and you’re not feeling confident about it?

In this Full Moon Tapping Meditation video (for the April 2018 Full Moon), you’ll focus on releasing the past and moving forward in a new direction with ease, grace, joy, simplicity, and fun. Yes!

For this video, I diagnosed a specific TFT tapping sequence while focusing on the energetic field of all who will be tuning in and watching the video. Tap along to feel more relaxed and peaceful about this new direction. For maximum benefit, repeat this process once daily until the next New Moon.

Enjoy and feel free to share the love!

One love,


About the Author Julie Cowley

Julie Cowley is a TFT-ADV (Advanced) Practitioner and Synchronicity High-Tech Meditation and Holistic Lifestyle Teacher. She resides at and volunteers at the Synchronicity Sanctuary Retreat Center in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. She has been meditating and studying spiritual wisdom for several years and supports others in conscious living.

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