When we act from a place of inspiration, of wild curiosity and intuition, we succumb to the passion of the universe – of our hearts and souls. Not needing to know how all of the pieces are going to come together, we take action. It feels good, natural, an expression of our joy.

We love it – it’s effortless, and people see the sparkle in our eyes. We don’t need to know more, to weigh the options, or figure anything else out. It’s time…and all of the resources we could possibly need come to us to support us.

DO NOT STRUGGLE. Do not be proud and “take the bull by its horns.” Do not let yourself be swept away by the current of society that says you must work harder and harder and harder, or you are of no value.

You are inherently worthy.

 Meditate. And do it regularly. Gradually and steadily increase your balance toward an inward focus. This will assist the growth of your intuition and your ability to hear the call of inspired action.

What does “inspire” mean? “In-spirare” = Into-breathe 

🌟 So focus on your breath today as much as you can. Watch the breath move in and out of your body. This will help to focus your mind, quiet the chatter, and let your heart be heard.

Wishing you an inspired day and beyond…

One love,



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About the Author Julie Cowley

Julie Cowley is a TFT-ADV (Advanced) Practitioner and Synchronicity High-Tech Meditation and Holistic Lifestyle Teacher. She resides at and volunteers at the Synchronicity Sanctuary Retreat Center in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. She has been meditating and studying spiritual wisdom for several years and supports others in conscious living.

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